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Nikkah – Masjid Fatimah Zahra



To secure a Nikah ceremony, we advise making arrangements at least 3-7 days in advance of the intended date. However, if an imam is available, a 1-day notice may also suffice.

To initiate the booking process, kindly request an application form by reaching out to the following individuals:

  • Maulana Abdurrahim Diwan at 07886 467833
  • Maulana Shakir at 07933 172618

Instructions / Information

  • Either the bride or groom should be a resident of Leicester/Leicestershire.
  • The solemnization of this sacred act must have the consent of parents and/or next of kin
  • The Nikah Organisers reserve the right to refuse Nikah without reason on behalf of Masjid Fatimah Zahra R.A.

We pray that the Almighty grants Barakah in this Union and makes it a means of Joy and Happiness for both the Families
